Thursday, June 24, 2010

Who's that girl?

I've subbed 2 spin classes this week and each time it gets easier and I'm less nervous. I love teaching! I can't wait until I get called to sub again. I think I've found my calling: combining my love of music and exercise. My confidence has been boosted because I've class participants go out of their way after class to compliment the routine and the music. Woohoo! Here is one play list that I played this week. I tried out some tunes from the yet to be released 'Eclipse' movie, sounded pretty darn good...enjoy:

Uprising - Muse - warm-up. Check fit on bike. Light stretches.
New Fang - Them Crooked Vultures - seated road w/ more resistance. mod.-heavy.
I Will Follow - U2 - seated road, flat. in the saddle explosion, light to mod. resistance.
Molly's Chambers - Kings of Leon - After 1 minute, end climb w/ an explosion of speed out of the saddle, jogging cadence.  
Jonathan Low - Vampire Weekend - As you hit bottom of hill, inc. resistance, jump out of saddle after 2:00- pick it up. Light to mod.
Dakota - Stereophonics - Seated road, flat. light to mod. resistance. Take it away...
Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) - Muse - Flat with two 30 second standing flats. Standing flats are a jog, follow the galloping pace of the music beginning at 1:30.
Cobrastyle - Teddybears (Featuring Mad Cobra) - break, back off resistance.
Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups - Stay seated & find an effort of 3.  Start to build resistance for a 5 minute climb.  Add resistance every 30 seconds until it feels like a 7 effort.  Hang in there and throw in some cadence changes to keep it interesting.
Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap -  back off resistance. Last song, mod. resistance. Let the song take you away. You’re on an open flat road. Wind in your hair. You’re done!
Cool Down:
Overkill - Colin Hay - sit up and do nothing, time for upper body stretches.
Six Underground (Nellee Hoopers Edit) - Sneaker Pimps -  floor stretches
Goodbye song -
We're Going To Be Friends - The White Stripes

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